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Result R755 on D1563: Group centre
Group centre is Abelian group
Formulation 0
Let $G$ be a D22: Group such that
(i) $Z(G)$ is the D1563: Group centre of $G$
Then $Z(G)$ is an D23: Abelian group.
Proof 0
Let $G$ be a D22: Group such that
(i) $Z(G)$ is the D1563: Group centre of $G$
First of all, result R810: Group centre is nonempty shows that $Z(G)$ is not empty. Therefore, if $g \in Z(G)$, then $g x g^{-1} = x$ and thus $g x = x g$ for every $x \in G$. Particularly, $g x = x g$ for every $x \in Z(G)$, which proves the claim. $\square$